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My name is Emily, and I'm a Swedish-born female of Croatian descent, currently 23 winters old, though my soul suggests 63, and my back feels 180. But let's stick to 23 until next December. 


I have been writing poetry for about 6 years, and somewhat 3 years ago, I started posting my poetry on, where I still post now and then, and I am currently in the process of writing several books and collections, as well as collaborating with other known and aspiring poets.

However, as I have always been a huge fan of this creative style of writing, I have felt quite lonely in my admiration, especially among my peers. 


When reading poetry to poor victims of my choosing, they usually say that they "didn't grasp" or "didn't understand" a word of it. Poetry is scary, for someone who doesn't know how to read it! As much as a painting is worthless to someone who finds no interest in art.


My goal is to dig out and show the very gems of the world of poetry, and make it easier for people to understand it, comprehend it, and finally - LOVE IT!



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